
What is Good for Patients with Depression: TMS Therapy or Medication?

The world of mental health has evolved to a major extent as it is attempting to offer patients the safest possible care. This is especially true for the treatment of depression where mental health professionals are evaluating Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) treatment versus medication, the contraindications, and the benefits of each treatment when it comes … Continue reading What is Good for Patients with Depression: TMS Therapy or Medication?

TMS Side Effects: Important Knowledge You Should Know

Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) has become a popular non-invasive treatment option for Major Depressive Disorder in recent years. By delivering electromagnetic pulses to targeted areas of the brain, TMS can help relieve depression symptoms without surgery or medication. However, as with any medical treatment, TMS does come with potential side effects. As you consider Transcranial … Continue reading TMS Side Effects: Important Knowledge You Should Know

How does TMS Therapy help depression patients?

Are you new to the term Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) and want to know how TMS therapy can improve depression symptoms? Well, you have come to the right place. Here, we have assembled a complete guide to TMS Therapy for you, while highlighting the benefits of TMS for depression treatment. Let’s start by understanding what … Continue reading How does TMS Therapy help depression patients?

Is TMS Therapy Right for You? Here’s What You Need to Know

TMS therapy, or transcranial magnetic stimulation therapy, is a non-invasive and drug-free treatment option that has gained attention as a potential solution for individuals struggling with various mental health conditions. If you’ve been exploring alternative treatment options for depression, such as major depressive disorder, anxious depression, and obsessive-compulsive disorder, TMS therapy may be worth considering. … Continue reading Is TMS Therapy Right for You? Here’s What You Need to Know

What to Expect During a TMS Therapy Session?

If you’re seeking an innovative and non-invasive treatment for mental health conditions such as depression or anxiety, Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) therapy might be the solution you’re looking for. TMS therapy has gained significant attention in recent years for its effectiveness in depression treatment and other mood disorders. But what exactly happens during a TMS … Continue reading What to Expect During a TMS Therapy Session?

Science Behind rTMS Therapy: How It Affects the Brain

rTMS therapy, short for repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation, is a revolutionary treatment method that harnesses the power of magnetic fields to influence brain activity. It has gained significant attention in recent years as a non-invasive and promising alternative for various neurological and psychiatric conditions. In this blog, we’ll explore the science behind rTMS therapy and … Continue reading Science Behind rTMS Therapy: How It Affects the Brain

Advantages of TMS Therapy over Other Depression Treatments

Depression is a challenging condition that affects millions of people worldwide. While there are various treatment options available, Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation or TMS therapy has emerged as a promising alternative to traditional treatments. This blog explores the advantages of TMS over other treatments highlighting how it’s different from traditional depression treatments. TMS vs. Medication Different … Continue reading Advantages of TMS Therapy over Other Depression Treatments

Role of Psychiatric Evaluation in Treatment Planning

Mental health conditions can be complex and multifaceted, requiring a patient-centric approach to treatment. This is where psychiatric evaluation comes into play as the cornerstone of treatment planning. This thorough examination of an individual’s mental health history, current symptoms, and personal circumstances provides a roadmap for developing an effective treatment plan that addresses their unique … Continue reading Role of Psychiatric Evaluation in Treatment Planning

Addressing Concerns and Debunking Myths of TMS Therapy

Transcranial magnetic stimulation, or TMS, is a cutting-edge therapy making waves in the world of mental health. As more and more people seek treatments for depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues, TMS therapy is becoming npp steroids a promising alternative. However, despite its growing success, TMS treatment for depression is still shrouded in misconceptions … Continue reading Addressing Concerns and Debunking Myths of TMS Therapy

Tell-Tale Signs to Request a Psychiatric Evaluation

When it’s time for your physical checkup, a primary clinician assesses your physical well-being in-depth. The evaluation consists of testing one’s reflexes and checking blood pressure, sugar level, and heartbeat. Psychiatric evaluation is no different. A professional psychologist is responsible for analyzing one’s overall mental or psychological health. During a psychiatric assessment, the therapist might … Continue reading Tell-Tale Signs to Request a Psychiatric Evaluation

Why are Psychiatric Evaluations Necessary?

When it comes to treating depression and mental health issues alike, psychiatric evaluation often emerges as the first line of defense in treating psychological illnesses. Furthermore, a psychiatric assessment is an effective tool to identify the disorder and help clients get the treatment that perfectly fits their mental state. In this blog, we’ll see how … Continue reading Why are Psychiatric Evaluations Necessary?

Reasons TMS is Beneficial for your Depression

Depression is one of the leading causes of disability all across the globe. Not only does it negatively impact one’s life academically and professionally, but it also adversely affects the people around them along with the relationships they’ve built over the years. Hence it’s extremely vital for people suffering from depression to seek help and … Continue reading Reasons TMS is Beneficial for your Depression

Significance of TMS Therapy in Major Depressive Disorder

It’s estimated that over 15 million Americans suffer from Major Depressive Disorder (MDD), which showcases why this illness needs to be addressed and treated quickly. Depression can negatively impact all aspects of your life, be it at home, school, or work. Therefore, it’s highly important to treat depression effectively. There are various antidepressants that may minimize … Continue reading Significance of TMS Therapy in Major Depressive Disorder

How the Holidays Affect Mental Health

With the new year just around the corner, from Thanksgiving to Christmas, there’s no doubt the holiday season calls for joy-filled activities. However, that’s not the case with everyone. Sometimes, it gets difficult for people to get into the holiday spirit, further deteriorating their mental well-being. This blog will shed some light on how the … Continue reading How the Holidays Affect Mental Health

How SNBCare Helps Treat Behavioral Health

When you’re affected with a severe ache that makes you bedridden for days or even weeks, you consult an appropriate doctor that can get your well-being back on track. Similarly, your behavioral health is no different. Without keeping your behavioral well-being in check, it’s nearly impossible to lead a happy and healthy life. In this … Continue reading How SNBCare Helps Treat Behavioral Health

Family Psychological Therapy: Why it Matters    

Has your home’s environment been cluttered lately? Are there any issues in the room that need to be addressed? Family psychological therapy can be beneficial when marital problems, financial difficulties, or conflicts between parents and children arise. Also, it benefits anyone who has a mental illness or substance abuse. In times of trouble, your family … Continue reading Family Psychological Therapy: Why it Matters    

What to Expect During Psychiatric Medicine Management Evaluation?

Like many aspects of mental health, the role of medicine management in holistic medicine is often misunderstood. Preconceived notions are often based on a lack of education and create a barrier to those seeking treatment for psychiatric illnesses. Besides providing the best care, part of the job is detailed education about treatment components such as medications.  Although … Continue reading What to Expect During Psychiatric Medicine Management Evaluation?

Caring for Someone with Depression: Tips for Depression Treatment

You know how severe depression can be if a friend or loved one suffers from it. It can be pretty difficult to talk openly to someone about their feelings. But you know how crucial it is to get them the depression treatment they need to live happier lives. Being a caregiver for someone suffering from … Continue reading Caring for Someone with Depression: Tips for Depression Treatment

Advanced TMS: New Hope for Depression Treatment

Depression has become one of the leading causes of disability across the United States among people ages 15 to 44. Although there are many effective ways to treat Depression, first-line strategies such as psychotherapy and antidepressants don’t work for all. What can depression sufferers do when they don’t respond to first-line treatment options? For a … Continue reading Advanced TMS: New Hope for Depression Treatment