Psychiatric Evaluation

When it’s time for your physical checkup, a primary clinician assesses your physical well-being in-depth. The evaluation consists of testing one’s reflexes and checking blood pressure, sugar level, and heartbeat. Psychiatric evaluation is no different.

A professional psychologist is responsible for analyzing one’s overall mental or psychological health. During a psychiatric assessment, the therapist might ask questions about the symptoms one’s feeling and the experiences one might’ve had in the past.

By doing so, it becomes feasible for the psychologist to develop custom-tailored treatment plans to help patients struggling with mental health issues and provide them with the proper diagnosis. But when does a psychological evaluation becomes necessary? In this blog, we’ll discuss some of the most common warning signs that warrant psychiatric assessment.

  • Physical Symptoms

There’s a common misconception that physical and mental health aren’t linked. However, there’s no truth to this statement. Instead, both physical and mental health are two sides of the same coin. In simpler terms, physical health heavily depends on mental health and vice versa.

Since mental and physical health is closely linked, it’s only normal to experience physical symptoms, such as headache, pain, fatigue, and stomachache, that can lead to worsened mental well-being.

  • Suicidal Thoughts

Suppose you or someone you know is having suicidal contemplations or thinking about ending your life. In that case, it’s probably best to consult a professional psychologist and conduct a psychiatric evaluation as soon as possible.

Having such thoughts commonly results from stress and anxiety. However, more often than not, suicidal ideation stems from depression symptoms. Hence it’s crucial to seek psychiatric assessment and get help regarding depression treatment.

  • Cognitive Impairment

Keeping mental health in check is essential as it has the potential to affect all aspects of our lives. If not taken care of, untreated mental illnesses can negatively affect our brain’s cognitive functions, resulting in a lack of ability to properly process information, images, and events.

Along with the inability to focus, one might struggle with remembering and recalling information due to anxiety, stress, and depression. However, a well-versed provider can play a critical role in depression treatment and psychiatric evaluation.

  • Struggling with Everyday Tasks

A major sign that guarantees a psychological evaluation is the struggle to focus and concentrate on carrying out daily routine tasks effectively and efficiently. For instance, getting out of bed is difficult, taking a shower seems challenging, and getting dressed appears to be a burden.

  • Additional Mental Health Symptoms

It’s no secret that mental health evolves with the passage of time. If you’ve already been diagnosed with a mental illness, you’re more likely to experience symptoms of new mental disorders.

In such a case, getting a psychological assessment is highly suggested. With mental health constantly evolving, your mental health analysis must also stay current and up to date.

SNBCare | Improving Lives Together

We started our outpatient clinic in Massachusetts and led the movement to serve a comprehensive continuum of care. Our staff consists of trained experts with vast clinical experience who are dedicated to helping you find the best treatment plan for your needs.

Our providers and staff will work with you and your family to find a plan you are comfortable with and start you on your path to improved emotional and mental well-being.

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