tms therapy

If you’re seeking an innovative and non-invasive treatment for mental health conditions such as depression or anxiety, Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) therapy might be the solution you’re looking for. TMS therapy has gained significant attention in recent years for its effectiveness in depression treatment and other mood disorders.

But what exactly happens during a TMS therapy session? In this blog, we’ll take you through the step-by-step process of a TMS therapy session, from the pre-session preparation to the sensations and side effects you may experience.

Pre-session Preparation

Before your TMS therapy session begins, you’ll have an initial consultation with a TMS coordinator. During this consultation, the specialist will answer any of your questions about TMS and how it works. If interested, the TMS coordinator will schedule an evaluation with a provider, who will evaluate your medical history, discuss your symptoms, and determine if TMS therapy suits you. If deemed appropriate, the specialist will schedule your first TMS session.

Finding the Right Position

During a TMS session, finding the proper position for the electromagnetic coil is crucial. The TMS treater and your provider will carefully determine the optimal location on your scalp. This ensures that the magnetic field is targeted accurately to the desired brain region.

Initiating the Treatment

Once the position is determined, The coil will deliver magnetic pulses that stimulate the specific brain area associated with your condition. You’ll feel a tapping sensation during the treatment.

During the Session

During the TMS therapy session, you’ll be awake and alert. The treatment itself should be painless, allowing you to engage in various activities like watching TV, listening to music, or simply relaxing. You can even converse with the TMS treater throughout the session.

Sensations During TMS Therapy

During the session, you may experience various sensations. The most common sensation is the tapping sound produced by the magnetic pulses. These sensations are generally well-tolerated and don’t cause any significant discomfort.

Common Side Effects

TMS therapy is considered safe and generally well-tolerated. However, like any medical procedure, there can be potential side effects. The most common side effects include mild headache, scalp discomfort or pain at the treatment site, lightheadedness, and facial muscle twitching. These side effects are typically temporary and subside shortly after the session.

Safety and Efficacy of TMS Therapy

TMS therapy has been extensively studied and proven to be safe and effective for treating certain mental health conditions. It’s a non-invasive alternative to other treatment options and doesn’t require anesthesia or sedation. TMS therapy has shown promising results in improving symptoms of depression, and numerous clinical studies have supported its efficacy.

TMS Therapy Results and Expectations

The results of TMS therapy can vary from person to person. Some individuals experience significant improvement in their symptoms, while others may have a more modest response. Having realistic expectations and understanding that TMS therapy isn’t a miracle cure is essential. Discussing your expectations and progress with your healthcare provider can help you set realistic goals for your treatment journey.


SNBCare is a leading provider of TMS therapy, offering a cutting-edge approach to mental health treatment. With our expert team of specialists, we ensure a comprehensive and personalized TMS experience. From the initial consultation to the actual therapy sessions, SNBCare prioritizes patient comfort and well-being.

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